2024 Release 7 (July) is now available.

2024 Release 7 (July) is now available.

July 17, 2024
2024 Release 6 (June) is here. Reading 2024 Release 7 (July) is now available. 1 minute

In this release, you can share all the great work done in Workbooks and easily add new users to Sage Enterprise Intelligence by importing existing users from Sage X3.

Collaborate with colleagues

Share individual workbooks with internal or external stakeholders or add your workbooks to consolidated reports to improve collaboration. Select the workbook you’d like to distribute and customize the desired properties for recipients. Add a custom name and select the file format, sheets, and environment. Secure your distribution file with a password and add parameters to filter your reports.

Tried our new Nectari Workbooks? Tell us what you think in this 2-question survey.

Easily import Sage X3 users

Save time when importing Sage X3 users into Sage Enterprise Intelligence with the new Sage X3 User Import extraction in the DataSync data warehouse. Connect to your MongoDB source and bring in your Sage X3 users and groups, including their Sage X3 roles which will automatically get mapped in Sage Enterprise Intelligence.

Read the Release Notes