Discover the time-saving benefits of 2023 Release 6 as we introduce enhanced efficiencies to the Web Workbook, DataSync, and the Distribution Module. Continue reading to find out how you can optimize your productivity.
Next level drill down
We have added a new drill-down wizard to the Web Workbook, and you can now dig into the details of any cell that contains a NECFormula. For example, you might want to drill down on the total sales amount to see the quantity sold and the customers that contributed to your sales total. When drilling down, select the fields for which you want to see the details. You can save these options and get more information faster by creating different drill down profiles and eliminating having to make these selections again.
With the drill-down wizard, you can:
Create new drill-down profiles.
Set a default drill-down profile.
Show or hide a “Total” row.
Group fields to summarize your results or ungroup them to view all the details.
Sort the contents of fields using “Order By”.
Change the aggregation for dimensions and measures.

Moreover, all drill down results will appear within the same sheet in a new sleek side panel, saving time from flipping between sheets. The side panel will dynamically update as you scroll through different cells that contain a NECFormula. You can also switch between drill down profiles to filter for other fields. To save your drill down results, click the copy icon and save anywhere in your workbook.

The new drill down panel opens in the same worksheet for quick access and readability.
Pick up where you left off
To increase the efficiency of loading data into Nectari and improve recovery from an incomplete load, you can now load your data by partition when using Nectari DataSync. Partitions can represent blocks of time ranging from 1-365 days. For example, if you define a partition of 7 days, your data will load to Nectari in blocks of seven days. If a job loading from your source should fail, you won’t need to reload all your data from the start. Instead, DataSync will continue loading from the failed partition, and you also have the option to specify from which date to continue within the Table Status.
This feature is ideal for customers with a lot of data, which will naturally take longer to load, or customers with a slower connection. Loading by partition is available for Sage Intacct and Custom API connectors and in beta for all other connectors.

Loading data by partition allows you to manage data loading interruptions more efficiently.
Collaborating just got easier
Reduce manual effort and increase customization by adding a global or special variable in the subject and body of an email job scheduled for distribution. For example, if you have a global variable for the current month, you can include this in the subject line for a monthly email job and not have to update this manually. Global variables must first be configured in the Administrator menu.
Global variables can also be used in the network path when saving a report locally. This feature is ideal for users that organize their folders chronologically. When a report is sent to a network location, it automatically updates which folder it should be saved in. If a folder for a report doesn’t exist, it will also be automatically created. Stay tuned as we continue to enhance our Distribution module!